This just in...
Four and Twenty
I'm so thankful to have my poem, Life Isn't Easy, featured in the August issue of Four and Twenty Poetry!Check out the issue here: »
Tim Tebow Foundation Program Continues to Bring Joy to Ailing Children
Tim Tebow may be in a new city with a new uniform, but his W15H program continues to put smiles on the faces of children who are suffering from life-threatening illnesses. “The Broncos were amaz... »
Florida Methodist Church Holds Worship Service in Bar
A Methodist church in Florida holds worship services at an unlikely location: a bar on the Florida-Alabama border known for bikini contests, fish-throwing events, and the occasional fight. Perdido Bay... »
China’s ‘Most Significant Christian Leader’ Goes to His Reward
According to Dr. Bob Finley, one of the most significant leaders in the history of Christianity in China has gone to be with the Lord whom he loved and served. Dr. Sun Yi-yin, known in America as R... »
Lee University to Add More Encore Classes
Lee is adding three new minicourses to its Encore schedule for the fall semester. This will total 13 courses available, the most, ever, since the inception of the program six years ago. Interpreting t... »
God’s Finances 101
Perry Stone with guest Walter Hallam »
Inside the Ministry Update August 24, 2012
New book "Financial Security in the Last Days" now available. The three-audio CD series, “The Book of Remembrance”is available. "Satan's Playbook" due to be released in September. The Main Event ... »
My Favorite Season has Arrived!
This summer was one of the busiest I can recall. The conferences, working in the garden, canning hundreds of jars of food, Tuesday nights at the Extreme, and planning the details of the new OCI facili... »
Child of God
I hear her whimper; an infant, wrapped in a blanket, laid in the woods on this snowy winter day. Fighting. Fighting for her life. Fighting to know the parents w... »
3D Tablet App Brings Youngsters Closer to Christianity
In the face of growing claims that Catholic education has become outdated and has failed to adopt more appealing methods to attract the youth to Christianity, many in the Catholic church are calling f... »
2012 London Summer Olympics and the Muslim Outreach
Representatives from The Digital Bible Society were in London this month for the 2012 Summer Olympics. Working with an established London ministry dedicated to sharing the Gospel with the hundreds of ... »
National Day of Repentance
In these very difficult times politics alone can’t resolve our problems. Many of our problems nationally are spiritual, requiring a spiritual solution. One such solution was often employed by ou... »