This just in...
A Missional Meditation upon a Spell Check
My friends and colleagues know that one of my passions is writing. Like any writer seeking for excellence, I use the “spell check” function in my word processing programs – whether I want to or not! S... »
The Invisible Side of an Addiction
Perry Stone teaches on addiction. »
Passing By
I pass her by everyday.Tired eyesAnd a weary smileAre her only adornments.She looks toward me,But, quickly, I turn the other direction.I speed the pace of my walk,Ignoring her cries for help, andHer p... »
Obamacare Ruling May Spark Christian Civil Disobedience
The United States Supreme Court on Thursday issued a 5-4 split decision upholding Obamacare as constitutional as a tax. The High Court also ruled that Congress could levy penalties on individuals with... »
TheCry Toronto Praying for Move of God
Thousands of Christians are converging on Thursday for a day of prayer, worship and fasting for Toronto and Canada. The prayer movement is known as TheCRY Toronto. Its motto: “It’s not a c... »
Cuba Sees Spark of Revival as 10,000 Gather in Worship
Ten thousand people recently gathered in Cuba as part of what some are calling a revival in the Communist nation. Bright Hope’s church partners in Cuba recently held an evangelistic meeting that... »
Chaplains Continue Response as Colorado and New Mexico Wildfires Rage
The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team is in Colorado and New Mexico as wildfires continue to torch large swaths of the nation’s west. Chaplains are currently offering emotional and spiritual care... »
Christian Leaders Learn the Fundamentals of Jewish-Christian Relations in Israel
Thirty Christian Evangelical non-denominational leaders from four U.S. states were hosted by the senior staff of the Prime Minister’s office last week, culminating a week-long intensive visit to... »
Social Media: A Missional Tool
Church of God leader David Ramirez testifies of the powerful use of social media in ministry. From the beginning the Christian Church has used every tool available to communicate the Gospel of our Lor... »
Leader Calls for Seven Months of National Repentance to Save USA
“The down economy, $15.8 trillion debt and Barack Obama trying to remove Christian liberty are Biblical signs of God’s judgment for our nation’s sins. To have God’s blessings, ... »
Chaplains Comfort Wildfire Victims
Depending on whether you see the glass as half empty or half full, the High Park wildfires near Fort Collins, Colo., as of Tuesday, are either 55 percent contained, or 45 percent non-contained. For ho... »