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Syria’s Christians Cry Out for Prayer
In the wake of a year of protests and violence, the situation in Syria has brought great suffering to the entire population. Syrian Christians say their greatest need right now is prayer, according to... »
Dutch Sheets Appointed Director of Christ For The Nations Institute
Christ For The Nations Institute (CFNI) is getting some new blood. Dutch Sheets is taking the reigns of the institute Gordon Lindsay founded. Current CFNI director Adam McCain passed the baton to Shee... »
The Fog Rolls In
The fog rolls in,Concealing things hidden,Things I need to see,To look uponAnd know.I don't see the danger aheadLike I used to.I don't see the memoriesI'm supposed to be making.I don't know who you ar... »
Bible Contradictions
The folks at Project Reason have created the striking poster above as a visual for what they claim are 439 contradictions found in the bible. The full poster can be downloaded free … Continue re... »
Wesley Study Bible
NRSV translation Notes from 47 scholars help you understand the biblical text with special references to the writings of John Wesley Wesley theologians help you understand key concepts and ideas and k... »
Youth and Discipleship Hosts Philippine Training Conference
Training has always been a priority with Church of God Youth and Discipleship. The international ministry team training events, under the leadership of Youth and Discipleship Coordinator Tony Lane, st... »
Christian ‘Tsunami’ May be Headed to Capitol Hill
A movement is underway to put lawmakers on notice that the so-called “silent majority” will no longer remain silent on issues of religious freedom and the erosion of America’s tradit... »
Tucson Church Opens ‘Switch’ Youth Center
The New Life Church of God (NLCOG) in Tucson, Arizona inaugurated its youth center, “Switch” on Friday, February 17, 2012. “The youth center is a dream come true for the youth community within o... »
The Spirit of the Sword
My spiritual life use to look a lot like Woodstock. You know, lots of peace, love, and good music. Eventually I figured out that I have an enemy. My enemy … Continue reading → »
‘One Cry’ Conference Set for March 16-17
A Church of God location has been chosen as the site for one of a national series of conferences conducted by ‘One Cry!’ The effort is being coordinated by the National Prayer Committee, a collage den... »
Liquid Church ‘Pop God’ Series Taps Secular Songs
Liquid Church is working to connect the dots between chart-topping pop music and what the Bible says about the relationship between God and humanity. The New Jersey church is setting out to teach that... »