This just in...
There are some bees hovering outside my window. "Hey, bees its just my hair style." #ourCOG
There are some bees hovering outside my window. "Hey, bees its just my hair style." #ourCOG »
What do you call a church approved lotto? THE PRICE IS RIGHT!!! #ourCOG
What do you call a church approved lotto? THE PRICE IS RIGHT!!! #ourCOG »
I have a great idea!!! We should start a ministry that wins zoo animals to the Lord! Wait can animals be members!?? Never mind. #ourCOG
I have a great idea!!! We should start a ministry that wins zoo animals to the Lord! Wait can animals be members!?? Never mind. #ourCOG »
January 24 – Perry Stone Hosting TBN
January 24th - Perry Stone Hosting TBN On Tuesday, January 24th Perry Stone will be hosting TBN. The live taping begins at 7:00 pm and the program will ... »
Today We Fight
Learning to fight is just as important for girls as it is boys, but I suspect this issue is particularly important for men at this point in our culture. I am part of a generation of men who have turne... »
Day Four = What am I Missing? (40 day fasting challenge)
Day Four = What am I Missing? Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will keep it. (Luke 17:33) At times, you may begin to feel like you’re missing out on things. ... »
Boy that Perry Stone sure can preach #ourCOG
Boy that Perry Stone sure can preach #ourCOG »
My youth Pastor tonight is preaching to the kids about developing good habits. I hope speaking in tongues to their respective lovers #ourCOG
My youth Pastor tonight is preaching to the kids about developing good habits. I hope speaking in tongues to their respective lovers #ourCOG »
Seeking The Face Of God For Breakthrough Part 3
Wednesday January 18, 2012 7:00 pm - Pastor Ronnie Reid »
I know, I wear them all the time RT @bibliata @revtg_marigold hey there’s nothing wrong with florsheim wingtips now #ourCOG
I know, I wear them all the time RT @bibliata @revtg_marigold hey there's nothing wrong with florsheim wingtips now #ourCOG »
Top 10 Reasons to get Involved in This Year’s 40-days of Prayer & Fasting:
Greetings all PEPpers! It is that time of the year – today is Day 1 of 40 days of prayer & fasting. I thought I’d take a moment to review some of the top reasons for you to get invol... »