This just in...
Don’t Give In to Fear
My family and I are walking through a valley right now. Attacks have been coming upon our lives, individually and as a family for months now. Most of my readers know that since last April, my health h... »
I’m doing a Daniel fast. I’m fasting : 1. Talking about #Tebow 2. Remembering how great QB’s were awesome (Sam Baugh, Johnny U.)#ourCOG
I'm doing a Daniel fast. I'm fasting : 1. Talking about #Tebow 2. Remembering how great QB's were awesome (Sam Baugh, Johnny U.)#ourCOG »
My local grocer told me to put the Kybosh on asking for for Jerusalem imported oil. I’m waiting for an interpretation. #ourCOG
My local grocer told me to put the Kybosh on asking for for Jerusalem imported oil. I'm waiting for an interpretation. #ourCOG »
Is humility a “God-thing” or a “Me-thing”?
Affirmation: I shall not allow pride to enter into my life, thinking that I can please God in my own strength; rather I shall remember that a pure life is only achieved through the presence and power ... »
"Like New" Tractor
I've got something to sell, today.It’s new,Well, “like new” anyway,And I promise it isn’t rusted,Or broken,Or going to blow itself up!It’s red,Or, well, it used to be.And only one of the tires ar... »
I’m doing a Daniel fast. I’m fasting : 1. Idol thoughts 2. Dreaming About Dennis Page #ourCOG
I'm doing a Daniel fast. I'm fasting : 1. Idol thoughts 2. Dreaming About Dennis Page #ourCOG »
5 ways to channel your stubbornness
Stubborn people are a pain. I know: I am one, and I’ve caused myself and many others lots of pain as a result. In fact, I am more stubborn than you are. Yes I am. Yes I am! While we’ve all seen the n... »
Seeking The Face Of God For Breakthrough Part 1
Wednesday January 11, 2012 7:00 pm - Pastor Ronnie Reid »
I’m doing a Daniel fast. I’m fasting : 1. Jeff foxworthy 2. Feeling greater then 3. eating Mike and Ikes 4. Book of Jude #ourCOG
I'm doing a Daniel fast. I'm fasting : 1. Jeff foxworthy 2. Feeling greater then 3. eating Mike and Ikes 4. Book of Jude #ourCOG »
My wife was crying her eyes out last night about me not paying attention and Perry Stone was on. #wifeINtheCORNER #ourCOG #COG
My wife was crying her eyes out last night about me not paying attention and Perry Stone was on. #wifeINtheCORNER #ourCOG #COG »
Not Worthless
You are not worthless.Even if you’ve been calledThat your entire life.Dad screaming,Mom locking you in a closet,Friends whispering behind your back.“There she is,”“What a piece of garbage,”“Somebody t... »