This just in...
@JohnCMaxwell The problem with the church today is too many people with too many ideas and not too many effective results #ourCOG
@JohnCMaxwell The problem with the church today is too many people with too many ideas and not too many effective results #ourCOG »
Unresolved for 2012: Using a Life Plan Instead
I gave up on resolutions a few years ago. I’d look up at those lofty goals, get excited for a week at most, and then promptly procrastinate my way through the year. The resolution train got me nowhere... »
a different approach to worship
Our worship is sacred. Our methods of worship are not necessarily sacred. On Sunday, January 1 at Cross Community Church, we are planning a completely different approach to worship. This is a one-time... »
The Forty Day Challenge – fasting for spiritual power
Starting on Monday January 9th we will begin a fasting initiative. The initiative is being coined The Forty-Day Challenge. It will be a time of fasting for spiritual power. The Forty-Day Challenge com... »
It has come to my attention that stoning a pig is not the kindest thing in the world, so in honor of Stephen I will stone a chicken. #ourCOG
It has come to my attention that stoning a pig is not the kindest thing in the world, so in honor of Stephen I will stone a chicken. #ourCOG »
Sunday Night Live
January 15 at 4-6 p.m. in the OT Cafe. »
Not Afraid
Do not be afraid to say it: “Jesus is the Reason not only for the Season, but for all things!” Yes, He was before Creation, helped to plan creation, participated in Creation, is the Giver of Life, th... »
Today God Is Faithful….what a year!
I say it almost every year (about this time), but I want to say it again: "What a year!" What a faithful, gracious, loving, wonderful God we have! Some of the "significant" times of 2011:1) Worked at ... »
Today’s saint of the day is Stephen! In honor I will stone a pig, not the hippie way. #ourCOG #COG
Today's saint of the day is Stephen! In honor I will stone a pig, not the hippie way. #ourCOG #COG »
Occupy Uterus
The so-called Occupy Movement eventually shifted its strategy from occupying public spaces to occupying foreclosed homes and abandoned buildings. If you listen to the voices of the Occupy Movement thi... »
RT @dasjr: Oh my… @Cog_Swagger Sing choirs of #ourCoG Angels”
RT @dasjr: Oh my... @Cog_Swagger Sing choirs of #ourCoG Angels” »