This just in...
RT @dasjr: Oh my… @Cog_Swagger Sing choirs of #ourCoG Angels”
RT @dasjr: Oh my... @Cog_Swagger Sing choirs of #ourCoG Angels” »
The difference between dinosaurs and the drummer boy is there might have been a drummer to see Jesus, dinos are just a weird story. #ourCOG
The difference between dinosaurs and the drummer boy is there might have been a drummer to see Jesus, dinos are just a weird story. #ourCOG »
Today was great day, read REAL Christmas Story, opened and gave presents. ATE!ATE!ATE! THEN enjoyed HIS presence during communion. #OURCOG
Today was great day, read REAL Christmas Story, opened and gave presents. ATE!ATE!ATE! THEN enjoyed HIS presence during communion. #OURCOG »
RT @Cog_Swagger: Tonight I celebrate one of the most important days in my life; the day I did not go see "the darkest hour." #ourCOG #COG
RT @Cog_Swagger: Tonight I celebrate one of the most important days in my life; the day I did not go see "the darkest hour." #ourCOG #COG »
Let’s go ya’ll BEARS vs PACKERS – who’s your TEAM? #ourCOG
Let's go ya'll BEARS vs PACKERS - who's your TEAM? #ourCOG »
Oh my… @Cog_Swagger Sing choirs of #ourCoG Angels”
Oh my... @Cog_Swagger Sing choirs of #ourCoG Angels” »
RT @JosephADangelo: Genius!! RT @Cog_Swagger: Pentecostals were the first to "whip my hair back and forth." #ourCOG #COG
RT @JosephADangelo: Genius!! RT @Cog_Swagger: Pentecostals were the first to "whip my hair back and forth." #ourCOG #COG »
Genius!! RT @Cog_Swagger: Pentecostals were the first to "whip my hair back and forth." #ourCOG #COG
Genius!! RT @Cog_Swagger: Pentecostals were the first to "whip my hair back and forth." #ourCOG #COG »
Joy To The World
Sunday December 25, 2011 10:30 am - Pastor Ronnie Reid »
#passout RT @dasjr did you light the candles in your home yet?#menorah and Put out the Felece in front of the Fireplace for St Nick? #ourCoG
#passout RT @dasjr did you light the candles in your home yet?#menorah and Put out the Felece in front of the Fireplace for St Nick? #ourCoG »
"@Cog_Swagger: Penticostals were the first to "whip my hair back and forth." #ourCOG #COG" // lol
"@Cog_Swagger: Penticostals were the first to "whip my hair back and forth." #ourCOG #COG" // lol »
@Cog_Swagger did you light the candles in your home yet? #menorah and Put out the Felece in front of the Fireplace for St Nick? #ourCoG
@Cog_Swagger did you light the candles in your home yet? #menorah and Put out the Felece in front of the Fireplace for St Nick? #ourCoG »