This just in...
I met Yao Ming once… The Spirit must’ve been all over him… It was like he was… #ourCOG
I met Yao Ming once… The Spirit must’ve been all over him… It was like he was… #ourCOG »
I met Yao Ming once… The Spirit must’ve been all over him… It was like he was speaking in tonuges!! #OurCOG
I met Yao Ming once... The Spirit must've been all over him... It was like he was speaking in tonuges!! #OurCOG »
#icantgoadaywithout trying to make #OurCOG a better place with my awe inspiring tweets. Knowing people are blessed… it’s #likenothingelse
#icantgoadaywithout trying to make #OurCOG a better place with my awe inspiring tweets. Knowing people are blessed... it's #likenothingelse »
If I knew they were gonna publish Ray Hughes Sermon library, i would have charged him… I wrote those for him!! #NoRoyalties #OurCOG
If I knew they were gonna publish Ray Hughes Sermon library, i would have charged him... I wrote those for him!! #NoRoyalties #OurCOG »
#wheneverimbored I have my grandson pull up the video of @theSoddyProphet from the #OurCOG GA. COG Womens Suffrage. Always good for a laugh!
#wheneverimbored I have my grandson pull up the video of @theSoddyProphet from the #OurCOG GA. COG Womens Suffrage. Always good for a laugh! »
tired of nickel and diming #ourCOG
tired of nickel and diming #ourCOG »
tired of nickel and diming
At our church, we have recently made a conscious effort to stop hounding people for money every week. We had gotten into a pretty bad cycle of hitting the people up every week for some kind of fund ra... »
rain falling on my head reminds of #ourCOG camp meeting preachers’ spit flying after each anointed word.
rain falling on my head reminds of #ourCOG camp meeting preachers' spit flying after each anointed word. »
When getting out of the boat means stepping forward…or stepping back.… #ourCOG
When getting out of the boat means stepping forward…or stepping back.… #ourCOG »
When getting out of the boat means stepping forward…or stepping back. #ourCOG
When getting out of the boat means stepping forward…or stepping back. #ourCOG »
When getting out of the boat means stepping forward…or stepping back.
I was meeting with my counselor a couple of days ago (yes-I go once a month, 3 hours at a time. If you are a preacher and you don’t, you should start now.), and was floored by the consistency o... »
Living on Sabbath Time: Day 8/31 #ourCOG #ourCOG
Living on Sabbath Time: Day 8/31 #ourCOG #ourCOG »