This just in...
@myrestlesslife #ourCOG hates to see suffrage among women. This is what #ourCOG is trying to change.
@myrestlesslife #ourCOG hates to see suffrage among women. This is what #ourCOG is trying to change. »
@thesoddyprophet the 4th of July is coming up and my mother in law invited us over. What is a good #ourCOG gift to take?
@thesoddyprophet the 4th of July is coming up and my mother in law invited us over. What is a good #ourCOG gift to take? »
If you care about the future … it is time to #endwomensuffrage with the #ourCOG
If you care about the future ... it is time to #endwomensuffrage with the #ourCOG »
RT @Cog_Swagger: @perrystonevoe is preaching a #ourCOG camp meeting in the middle of no where Delaware, in a facility named after former GO Crowley…to much
RT @Cog_Swagger: @perrystonevoe is preaching a #ourCOG camp meeting in the middle of no where Delaware, in a facility named after former GO much »
@perrystonevoe I WILL FOLLOW YOU #ourCOG
@perrystonevoe I WILL FOLLOW YOU #ourCOG »
#ourCOG in the up coming election I am voting for the candidate that seeks to end women’s sufferage
#ourCOG in the up coming election I am voting for the candidate that seeks to end women's sufferage »
Freshmen Welcome ’11: Athletic Highlights
Athletic events are some of the most attended and exciting on campus events. We can’t wait until you get on campus and help us to cheer the Flames and Lady Flames to victory. »
Freshmen Welcome ’11: Residence Halls
As a new freshmen at Lee University, you’ll most likely be staying on one of our on-campus residential halls. Let Hudson give you a quick overview of the options on LeeU On Demand »
@perrystonevoe @MichaelHyatt @tentblogger @renovatuspastor @GabeTaviano http://WorldMissions.TV/ Released #ourCOG
@perrystonevoe @MichaelHyatt @tentblogger @renovatuspastor @GabeTaviano http://WorldMissions.TV/ Released #ourCOG »
Day Ten – Lee Alumni Spotlight in Cambodia
Home We invite you to travel virtually with the Alumni Office and 13 Lee alumni as we go to Cambodia with Fred Garmon and People for Care and Learning. Come along electronically to visit and work in B... »
The supernatural voice of God vs. the wisdom of God? #ourCOG
The supernatural voice of God vs. the wisdom of God? #ourCOG »
Tired of business as usual? Vote QW Johnson-Buckalew for your next #OurCOG General Overseer. I’m QW and I approve this message. #21560
Tired of business as usual? Vote QW Johnson-Buckalew for your next #OurCOG General Overseer. I'm QW and I approve this message. #21560 »