This just in...
Day Seven – Lee Alumni Spotlight in Cambodia
Home We invite you to travel virtually with the Alumni Office and 13 Lee alumni as we go to Cambodia with Fred Garmon and People for Care and Learning. Come along electronically to visit and work in B... »
2011 Historic Pentecostal Revival Tour in Bulgaria #ourCOG #ourCOG
2011 Historic Pentecostal Revival Tour in Bulgaria #ourCOG #ourCOG »
#honestlyhour I have considered attending my boss’ funeral that was at a Church of… #ourCOG
#honestlyhour I have considered attending my boss’ funeral that was at a Church of… #ourCOG »
2011 Historic Pentecostal Revival Tour in Bulgaria #ourCOG
2011 Historic Pentecostal Revival Tour in Bulgaria #ourCOG »
#honestlyhour I have considered attending my boss’ funeral that was at a Church of God of Prophecy. #ourCOG
#honestlyhour I have considered attending my boss' funeral that was at a Church of God of Prophecy. #ourCOG »
#OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG!!!!!
#OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG #OurCOG!!!!! »
you can’t lead from your office #ourCOG
you can’t lead from your office #ourCOG »
you can’t lead from your office
The island thing didn’t work out so well for me. You’ve heard, “No man is an island” (John Donne 1572-1631). This statement basically means that none of us were created to do life alone. Human beings ... »
#SorryImLateBut I spilled my oil that I bought at the Walmart in Cleveland…CLEVELAND TN!!! #ourCOG
#SorryImLateBut I spilled my oil that I bought at the Walmart in Cleveland...CLEVELAND TN!!! #ourCOG »
#ialwayswantedtobea a guy seated on the stage at #ourCOG camp meeting. With all there amazing suits and closeness to the state overseer.
#ialwayswantedtobea a guy seated on the stage at #ourCOG camp meeting. With all there amazing suits and closeness to the state overseer. »
Day One – Lee Alumni Spotlight in Cambodia
Home We invite you to travel virtually with the Alumni Office and 13 Lee alumni as we go to Cambodia with Fred Garmon and People for Care and Learning. Come along electronically to visit and work in B... »
I’ve just signed up for the Call2Fall. Join me… #projectpray… #ourCOG
I’ve just signed up for the Call2Fall. Join me… #projectpray… #ourCOG »