This just in...
#ourCOG if you are a fan of old school COG I had my grandson set me up on facebook as well. QW Johnson-Buckalew
#ourCOG if you are a fan of old school COG I had my grandson set me up on facebook as well. QW Johnson-Buckalew »
Cleveland TN is #GreenCity because no grass dies, as long as it is a faithful tither to an #ourCOG Church
Cleveland TN is #GreenCity because no grass dies, as long as it is a faithful tither to an #ourCOG Church »
#waystoirritateme not be a member of #ourCOG
#waystoirritateme not be a member of #ourCOG »
#ourCOG got married to a women. I married to take her last name so I can be something in this denomination. Hello I am QW Johnson-Buckalew
#ourCOG got married to a women. I married to take her last name so I can be something in this denomination. Hello I am QW Johnson-Buckalew »
RT @Cog_Swagger: #ourCOG JK Rowling, Mary Shelley, and Stephenie Meyer : three reasons to end women literacy
RT @Cog_Swagger: #ourCOG JK Rowling, Mary Shelley, and Stephenie Meyer : three reasons to end women literacy »
creating a “yes” culture #ourCOG
creating a “yes” culture #ourCOG »
creating a “yes” culture
Many church leaders are tired of never having enough ministry volunteers. Maybe we need to create a “yes” culture. There are times when the answer is “no”. There are situations that are not open to di... »
World Mission Resources
Many resource materials are available to assist you in your support of Church of God World Missions. Use these materials to educate your congregation about missions and to raise awareness of what Go... »
#ourCOG by 1948 all you need at lee college was three hours. #likeamightyarmy told you Lee College is not the same since Nora Left
#ourCOG by 1948 all you need at lee college was three hours. #likeamightyarmy told you Lee College is not the same since Nora Left »
RT @bibliata: Enjoying morning coffee with the regional bishops in Gabrovo more meetings to come on… #ourCOG
RT @bibliata: Enjoying morning coffee with the regional bishops in Gabrovo more meetings to come on… #ourCOG »
@dasjr great leadership seminar on Saturday then services in silistra and tarnovo… #ourCOG
@dasjr great leadership seminar on Saturday then services in silistra and tarnovo… #ourCOG »
Enjoying morning coffee with the regional bishops in Gabrovo more meetings to come on… #ourCOG
Enjoying morning coffee with the regional bishops in Gabrovo more meetings to come on… #ourCOG »