This just in...
#ourCOG Fried chicken, sweet tea, gravy, grits, in a blinders …. heaven
#ourCOG Fried chicken, sweet tea, gravy, grits, in a blinders .... heaven »
Duties of the LMR (local church missions representative): #ourCOG
Duties of the LMR (local church missions representative): #ourCOG »
Duties of the LMR (local church missions representative):
The LMR is appointed by the pastor and acts as the key force for missions activity and promotion in the local church. The LMR works with the pastor and church leadership to establish and maintain a ... »
Vacation 2011 – Thursday
Dollywood: »
@benjie517 as a Bishop in the #ourCOG it is my privilege to tell a young person… the… #ourCOG
@benjie517 as a Bishop in the #ourCOG it is my privilege to tell a young person… the… #ourCOG »
#ourCOG just thumbing threw the newest minutes … when did it get 2010? #ourCOG
#ourCOG just thumbing threw the newest minutes … when did it get 2010? #ourCOG »
@benjie517 as a Bishop in the #ourCOG it is my privilege to tell a young person… the minutes are to important for this generation
@benjie517 as a Bishop in the #ourCOG it is my privilege to tell a young person... the minutes are to important for this generation »
#ourCOG I hope the hawks trade for Gilbert Arenas, he is a NRA guy
#ourCOG I hope the hawks trade for Gilbert Arenas, he is a NRA guy »
#ourCOG if I had to be yoked to anyone it would be Timmy Hill so I could hear all… #ourCOG
#ourCOG if I had to be yoked to anyone it would be Timmy Hill so I could hear all… #ourCOG »
We are not in a position to approve separation with the Church of God, especially in… #ourCOG
We are not in a position to approve separation with the Church of God, especially in… #ourCOG »
Stay true to God. He is shaking, moving, seperating, sifting, testing, and reproving… #ourCOG
Stay true to God. He is shaking, moving, seperating, sifting, testing, and reproving… #ourCOG »
the stance of the church, and political posturing, the favoritism, the things I see… #ourCOG
the stance of the church, and political posturing, the favoritism, the things I see… #ourCOG »