Parental Jewelry
8 My son, hear the instruction of your father,
And do not forsake the law of your mother;
9 For they will be a graceful ornament on your head,
And chains about your neck.
Proverbs 1:8-9 (NKJV)
My dear and amazing VPs! (Virtually Perfect)
Its been said that the reason that grandchildren and their grandparents get along so well is because they share a common enemy – the grandchildren’s parents!
Superficially, there’s some truth in that. You’ve all eaten a lot of Oreo’s and ice cream because of our teamwork behind your parent’s back!
But the truth is, you are all blessed with amazing parents who are sincerely seeking to follow Jesus Christ and raise you up to do the same. You are blessed beyond measure to have the dedicated and hardworking parents that you have.
And here’s what I want you to do: Brag on your parents all the time. Do this to their face and do this among your peers and everyone else you meet.
Do you make the connection as to why I say this?
Notice that the writer of Proverbs 1:8-9 compared our parents to jewelry – ornaments for your head and necklaces around your neck. Jewelry is meant to be seen. It enhances your looks and, especially in the days of Solomon, it spoke of a person’s wealth.
My dear VPs, your are extremely wealthy when it comes to parents and I encourage you to let them and the world know it.
I assure you I practice this.
I quote my parents all the time. Just yesterday I quoted my dad to a gentleman I was talking to. I said, “My dad taught me you can judge a man by two things: how well he takes care of his wife and how well he takes care of his shoes.”
That advice has served me well over the years.
I’ve observed many a man who looked and acted impressively but when I dug a little deeper and learned about his wife I discovered that she was an unhappy and unfulfilled woman who was ignored and not valued by her “brilliant” husband. I would take note—that man needed to be watched. And sure enough, as you observed his life you’d discover that he didn’t care about the people he led, he just cared about looking good and getting his own way.
And a man who doesn’t take care of his shoe?
It’s the little things in life that matter – will it be the deity or the devil in the details.
If a man doesn’t take care of his shoes (little details) he’s do the same with big details. Trust me, when you need him to come through for you he’ll fail you almost every time. Don’t depend on a man with unkempt shoes!
That’s just one little example of how my parents have enriched my life and helped me to achieve any little success I’ve accomplished.
Let me give you one more example from my mom.
Some of my earliest memories of my mother was her telling me that she had prayed for God to not allow me to be born alive if I was not going to serve Him. Pretty serious stuff, right!?
Keep in mind that my mother was only seventeen when I was born. How many seventeen-year-girls do you know who think like that. Wow, I am blessed to have such an amazing mom!
My mother instilled in me a deep sense of calling and purpose–the only reason I am alive is to serve Christ! Every time I’d find myself drifting away from my faith and being tempted to go in a different direction (read Proverbs 1:10-19) I’d hear my mother’s words and they would call me back to the straight and narrow.
Oh I am so thankful for my godly parents. And I am thankful for yours.
Listen to them, don’t forsake their instructions, and don’t be afraid to let them and the world know how much you love and honor them.
Love, Papa
Prayer: Father God, I am thankful for my children and their spouses. I pray that You will continue to give them wisdom for their greatest responsibility – raising my grandchildren. Give them the wisdom and provisions to prepare my dear VPs for the day that they launch out into this wide, wide world on their own to follow your plan for their lives.
And help me to do my part in supporting them and cheering them own (both my children and my grandchildren.) Amen.