“Perilous Times” Evil Manifesting :: By Terry James
Believe me, this is an article I’d rather not write. My grandfatherly heart would much prefer avoiding the stories herein encountered, which I believe the Holy Spirit prompted me to address as I considered topics for this week’s post.
Many times I’ve written about the Apostle Paul’s “perilous times” prophecy found in 2 Timothy 3. I’ve always included the sign Paul termed “without natural affection”—most often along with all the other signs given in this prophecy—in general terms.
I’ve defined “without natural affection” in prophetic terms as mothers’ acceptance of abortion–the murder of their children while still in their wombs. This evil, when examined almost clinically as a symptom of the anti-godliness of the age, didn’t touch the most sensitive tissue of my spiritual heart.
I guess considering this prophesied sign of the very end of the age was somewhat akin to a forensic physician doing an autopsy. One just treated it as a prophetic matter of dissection, but without application of the process to being a personal, flesh-and-blood reality.
This examination of Paul’s “without natural affection” sign hit me much differently. As I alluded to above, the stories I encountered touched the grandparental tissue of my spiritual heart.
Truly, this generation has continued to experience all of the symptoms Paul said will be present in the days leading up to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. In America, this symptom is manifesting with women of certain political, ideological, reprobate thinking doing bizarre things to their bodies to prevent even the capability of having children. I won’t go into the details, but these insane acts are almost as terrible as the acts of those who engage in self-immolation in order to demonstrate for one cause or another.
The abortion movement has, in effect, ingrained into the minds of many young women that birthing children is an evil act, or at least, an act they see as abortion being an after-the-fact, birth-control option.
Discarding a baby, the abortion culture has infused into their thinking, is no more than removing unwanted refuse. The abortion mentality is a spiritually reprobate mindset that is “without natural affection.”
The following news item makes the case, I think, that we’re witnessing the Apostle Paul’s perilous times as perhaps never before.
A newborn baby is dead after an American tourist, who was on a study abroad trip, reportedly threw the child out of a Paris hotel’s window just moments after giving birth to it. A witness to the horrific incident reported to French police that they discovered the corpse at the Ibis Style hotel in the 20th arrondissement of Paris on rue des Realizes.
Authorities reported that the incident occurred around 6 a.m. Monday morning and that the child had been tossed from the establishment’s second-floor window. According to the witness, they heard screaming and were quick to raise the alarm.
Emergency services rushed to the scene in order to help the infant and rushed them to Robert-Debré Hospital, in the 19th arrondissement. It was also reported that a young woman, believed to be the child’s mother, was taken to the hospital.
It was later confirmed by the Paris prosecutor’s office that the mother was on a study abroad program along with other students from the US. Law enforcement also confirmed that the baby had been thrown from the window “with the umbilical cord” still attached. It was reported by a local outlet that despite doctors’ best efforts, the baby perished…
The news of the dead child comes after a Russian mom was accused of giving birth in a Turkish airport bathroom and leaving her newborn submerged in freezing toilet water as she left to catch a flight home. Ekaterina Burnazkina, 29, has been charged with attempted murder after she allegedly abandoned her baby in an Antalya Airport restroom in October 2024.
The baby girl was discovered by a cleaner just 12 minutes later, narrowly avoiding a tragic death. Surveillance footage allegedly captured Burnazkina entering the facility on her own, only to emerge and rejoin her family as if nothing occurred. It was reported that Burnazkina pleaded for the return of her child in court. (Source: “American Tourist, 18, ‘Throws Newborn Baby Out of Paris Hotel Window with Umbilical Cord’ Still Attached,” MSN, Jack Hobbs, Rapture Ready News, February 24, 2025)
The “without natural affection,” perilous-times indicator now manifesting worldwide isn’t just confined to woke America, as the story above proves. Those so against childbearing now term mothers who are with child as “inseminated persons,” so reprobate is their level of anti-God, cognitive malfunctioning.
This is but another reason I strongly believe all children will go to Christ when He calls believers in the Rapture. The children are innocent in God’s holy eyes. The world has treated them with contempt in far too many instances. The Lord, I’m convicted, will make a great heavenly statement about when life begins and what He thinks about abortion and all other abuse of the children born into this fallen world.
Abortion, like all other sins, is forgivable. And our loving God is waiting to forgive the repentant. Here is how to be forgiven of this and any and all sins, to be forever in Christ’s presence and Heaven either when entering that realm through the portal of death or when transported instantaneously into the clouds of Glory at the Rapture.
“That if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and will believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9-10).
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