Planning to Win!

Planning to Win!

“We plan, God laughs.” _Yiddish Proverb

In this video I review a planning meeting I had with my leadership team at Fort Mill Church of God August of 2013.

The point is not for you to do exactly like I did, every situation is different. But my hope is to encourage you to be intentional about planning for the rest of your year so that your church can have a stellar finish to your year.

Below I have included my agenda for the meeting I review in this video.


  1. Major events for fourth quarter
    • Back-to-School Blessing Sunday
    • Fall Revival
    • Friend Day
    • Mission Weekend
    • Christmas
  2. Review & Coordinate all ministry dates and events
  3. Allow each staff person to cast vision concerning their area of ministry
  4. Coordinate all vacations and time off
  5. Review how to make prayer a more central focus of our church
  6. Review how to improve our pastoral care ministry