Please try to abstain from logical fallacies! Certain people regularly…
Please try to abstain from logical fallacies! Certain people regularly make comments like this one.
“Please post a link to a credible scientific organization that backs up your claim.”
Firstly they don’t define what “credible” is and yet frequently say that only certain organisations are credible. It’s a fallacy to state an organisation is credible because it presents a certain view. No one is credible because they are credible. Secondly this way of argumentation is a faulty appeal to authority – which is yet another logical fallacy, i.e. “Bill believes X therefore X is true”. This only shows how “irrational” this kind of argumentation is.
I am posting this as a post – because I would like to encourage people in this channel to follow some level of rational argumentation process in order to argue their case.