Prayer of Release (November 13 AM message)
Good morning!
Following is a prayer that I will be leading those that respond to today’s message in. Perhaps it is prayer that you may want to use…
Prayer of release…
• In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I go on record this day that I am releasing everyone that has or will ever will hurt and offend me from any debt owed me. I free them and place them in the care of the Great and Merciful Judge of all – Jesus Christ; may His will be done in both their lives and mine.
• I do this because of the great love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ who has forgiven me and released me from the penalty of all my sins and has accepted me unconditionally into his family and kingdom; how could I do less for my fellow broken and fallen brother or sister?
• From this day forward I shall walk in freedom from my past. I will speak of those that have hurt me only in the best of terms and I shall turn my focus away from the hurtful past and upon the better future that God has planned for me.
• In the name of my lord and savior Jesus Christ I pray this and declare it done.
• Amen