publicity stunts in Jesus’ name
May 21 will come and go without the end of the world. Korans will be burned. Protests will happen at soldiers’ funerals and pro-gay events. Boycotts will take place at various institutions. Books will be written by pastors declaring that there is no hell. And Jesus’ name gets attached to them all. Each time one of these things happen, all Christ-followers and churches lose a little more credibility. Guys, we can’t afford to lose any more.
When will we learn to ignore ignorant people so that the very thing they crave (attention) will be withheld? The American public gets played like a fiddle. We buy into their nonsense and allow them to dominate our news. Media-seeking, money hungry “leaders” succeed because we make them succeed. They do this stuff because it works.
How about this: the next time one of these individuals launches a stunt that they hope will gain them the focus of the nation – let’s do something better. Let’s not waste our time getting frustrated at them or buying into their strategy. Let’s not even write blog posts about them. Let’s just do what we are supposed to do: reflect the love and truth of God to a world that really needs Him.
Then, maybe the world will get a look at the real Jesus.