Quick survey: What’s the best deal you’ve found on full color t-shirts? Name amount of colors and price? Thanks! #ncla #kidmin #ourCOG ourCOG March 14, 2011 9:38 pm #ourCOG 0 Quick survey: What's the best deal you've found on full color t-shirts? Name amount of colors and price? Thanks! #ncla #kidmin #ourCOG Facebook Comments #ourCOG tweets By ourCOG Related Posts Mission Conference at York | http://goo.gl/VXfDw #ourCOG http://goo.gl/fb/oK19r #ourCOG RT @travisjohnson73: Thanks to @JohnUpChurch & the COG Evangel for a great article about Life Pointe! http://bit.ly/dVTOjq (check pages 16-17 & 24-25) #ourcog I know that #WeAllHaveTried** the AG Church down the street with their electric instruments, but is just a fad, now a hammond B3… #ourCOG Is there such a thing as God’s Permissive Will? #ourCoG #tweetup