Quick Things To Do To Make Thanksgiving Day Meaningful & Fun

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
Say a prayer. Return thanks to the One who created it all.
Sing your prayer. I know this sounds odd…and maybe it’s just me. But, growing up when our extended family would gather for Thanksgiving and Christmas, we wouldn’t “say a prayer.” We would sing it…The Doxology to be exact. It became such a substantial memory, I made sure the Doxology was sung at my wedding.
Tell stories around the table.
Tell the 1st Thanksgiving Story where the Wampanoag Indians and the Pilgrims come together for a 3-day feast of Thanksgiving. We
Share what you’re thankful for. Take turns around the table. Don’t let conversation drift off into other things before you miss out on being vocal with your thankfulness.
Watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Ride bikes. We call it a “biking adventure.” Throw the whole family on the bikes and go for a nice, relaxed tour around the neighborhood or somewhere you’ve never been.
Watch Football. Turn on the tube. Kick back. Fall asleep at halftime.
Play football. Just remember: you’re not as young as you used to be.
Start a tradition. Start a quirky tradition unique to your family.
Play a board game. Balderdash. Scattergories. Monopoly. Parcheesi.
Play cards. Hearts. Spades. Euchre. Rook.
Put up your Christmas tree. Well, we already did this pre-Thanksgiving. But, a Christmas Tree is nice to look at on Thanksgiving Day.
Take a family picture. Your family is together. Don’t miss that opportunity to grab a few pics as a family.
Go fo a walk at dark. Grab flashlights and go for a walk.
Sit around a fire. I live in Miami-Dade county. Apparently, you have to have a permit to do this sort of thing. <-crazy. Call me a law breaker I guess. But, there’s nothing more mesmerizing than sitting around a fire, staring at embers, roasting marshmallows, and being with your crew.
Stay up late…stay up until your eyes burn. Just don’t be the first person to fall asleep on the couch or you might find yourself painted up like a barn, covered in shaving cream or some similar sort of chaos.