Religions are reflections of the environments we live in. If…
Religions are reflections of the environments we live in. If we go back 20 or 30 thousand years we will see all of our ancestors living in tribes, similar to what we see in very remote isolated tribes around the world today. These people are very in tune with nature. They See, Hear, and Know everything about their environment, and their spiritual beliefs reflect that. It’s all about respecting and being in balance with nature, hunting, rain, medicine gods ect. If left alone in that environment, you and I would die, they will live…
As we move forward in time we observe the rise and fall of civilizations & religions. Mankind begins to lose their connection with nature, and religions evolve to reflect life in an ancient cultural society. The Kings and Wealthy landowners always controlling what the people believe. Starting with Judaism, and through organization of various Christian Scrolls and undergoing many refinements from the church and kings, then Muhammad, religions evolved into what we know today as Christianity and Islam. Christianity and Islam became the religion of choice for the rich rulers because it teaches people to be fearful and obedient. That the land belongs to the Gods & Kings and they must work for their keep. It’s much easier to tax, (enslave) and control a large group of people if they think you have an angry vengeful God on your side.