Rev. T. L. Lowery wrote a book in the 1950's…
Rev. T. L. Lowery wrote a book in the 1950’s and published it at least five times up through the 1960’s. It was a book that I had been looking for for a number of years. It is entitled, “AMERICA’S NO 1 PROBLEM – SEGREGATION.” The American culture held strongly to segregation, as it was maintained by those in the denominations, including Pentecostal, as well. Brother Lowery likewise took the position of segregation; however, later his position totally changed. He pulled his book off the market and basically did away with it. But his book remains important because it portrays the general feeling of especially the White American church of his day. The only well-known national Evangelist who always publicly opposed segregation and whose life was threaten many times by the Klu Klux Klan (KKK) was Evangelist A. A. Allen.