***Romans 6:10(NLT) 10 When he died, he died once to…
***Romans 6:10(NLT) 10 When he died, he died once to break the power of sin. But now that he lives, he lives for the glory of God.***
Christ died once to defeat sin, emphasizing the finality and completeness of Christ’s work. When Christ groaned from the cross, “It is finished!” (***John 19:30***), he knew that the sacrifice was complete, once for all (***Hebrews 7:27***) and for all time (***Hebrew 10:10***). Unlike Christ, we will still fall into sin’s traps now and then; but like Christ who now lives for the glory of God, we can focus on living for God. God’s great plan was to liberate us from sin’s ruling power. Thus our perspectives, attitudes, relationships, and desires will change, in light of the incredible events that have taken place on our behalf—death to sin and the ability to come to God and live for him. However, Roman Catholic church insist on making re-sacrificed of Jesus Christ in every mass which is supposedly, a one-time perfect sacrifice on the cross 2,000 years ago. What he did on the cross was enough! All we have to do is to give thanks and praise and preach the Word of God for our spiritual growth. No need to re-sacrifice and add works for our salvation.