Seasoned With Fire
“For everyone will be seasoned with fire…” - Mark 9:49
Some of the best times I have with family is when we all get together for a big cookout for a holiday or family get together. I truly cherish those times. Growing up, getting together with my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, was a regular routine. We would cook burgers and hotdogs, and on special occasions, my grandmother would cook my favorite…pork tenderloin!
The funny thing about our get togethers, though, was the fact that my grandpa and dad would never let anyone touch the grill besides them, because they knew if they did it, it would get done and get done right! But, while they cooked the burgers and hotdogs, they would stand over the fire and watch carefully the items being cooked, because if left there too long, it would get burnt and be no good…and go to waste. If taken off the grill too early, the meat wouldn’t be cooked to its full potential. I think you are starting to get the picture…
You see, there are times in our lives to where we go through a purification process through fire that sets us up for our future. God places fires (trials, tribulations, valleys, etc.) in our lives, not to push up back, but to expedite us FORWARD!
God puts you on a grill to be put through fire…and if so many people blame God and think that the fires in their lives are meant to bring them down, but can I remind you today that He is faithful and stands over the fire that you are going through and carefully watches over you! Do not think for one second that you can go through the fire alone, because if you do, you will be left in the fire for too long and burn up. Do not pull yourself out of the fire too quick, because that fire in your life is meant to take you to a new level in your life…a new taste…a new season!
God is seasoning me and you! He is giving us a new taste! God is the best chef in town! You can trust that whatever He does, is for your good and gain! Keep your head up, pray, seek His face, read His Word, get in contact with the Rock of your Salvation and see that He is good, and faithful!