Senior Pentagon Official Reveals That Those Drones Flying Over Langley AFB Are Actually UFOs Coming From Alien Mothership And Taunting F-22 Pilots

A retired senior Pentagon official has confirmed that UFO ‘mother ships’ were spotted ‘releasing swarms of smaller craft’ — adding further mystery to the still-unexplained intrusions over multiple US military bases.

Back in the early days of the Pandemic, we brought you the story of Israeli General Hiam Eshed who made the incredible claim that the whole reason why then-president Donald Trump created Space Force as the fifth branch of the US military was due to the fact that both the American and Israeli governments had made contact with extra-terrestrials in UFOs. Well, that story has aged pretty well, so well in fact that today we tell you about a retired senior Pentagon official, Chris Mellon, who says the drones flying over Langley AFB are also extra-terrestrials flying around in UFOs launched from the mothership.

“Then I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold a flying roll. And he said unto me, What seest thou? And I answered, I see a flying roll; the length thereof is twenty cubits, and the breadth thereof ten cubits.” Zechariah 5:1,2 (KJB)

I believed the Israeli general when I wrote about his claims 4 and a half years ago, and I believe the claims of this senior Pentagon official today, also. The reason why our government is doing nothing to stop these drone incursions is because we do not have the technology to deal with it. If these were drones from another nation, and we did nothing about it, that would be high treason, so we can rule that out. Back in 2019, we told you that, with no explanation of any kind, the US government did a 180 on their official position that UFOs were not a thing, and suddenly began talking about them like, yes, of course, everyone knows that UFOs exist. Will 2025 be the year we finally see these beings that have long-inhabited our world? If so, it’s long overdue. Jesus calls it the ‘Days of Noah’ for a reason.

Drone swarms targeting US military bases are operated by ‘mother ship’ UFO, claims top Pentagon official

FROM THE DAILY MAIL UK: His statements come amid the release of 50 pages of Air Force records related to provocative ‘drone’ incursions, that one general calls ‘Close Encounters at Langley.’ For at least 17 nights last December, swarms of noisy, small UFOs were seen at dusk ‘moving at rapid speeds’ and displaying ‘flashing red, green, and white lights’ penetrating the highly restricted airspace above Langley Air Force Base in Virginia.

Senior ex-Pentagon security official Chris Mellon told that the episode was ‘part of a much larger pattern affecting numerous national security installations.’

‘Two of the notable aspects,’ he said, ‘are the fact our drone signal-jamming devices have proven ineffective and these craft are making no effort to remain concealed. In fact, in some instances,’ as Mellon took pains to emphasize, ‘it is clear they want to be seen as though taunting us.’

Mellon, who served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence under both Presidents Clinton and George W. Bush, told that since last year’s Langley events ‘a similar series of intrusions has also occurred over Palmdale, CA.’ An hour’s drive north of Los Angeles, Palmdale is home to defense contractor Lockheed Martin’s classified ‘Skunk Works,’ which made the F-22.

A spokesperson for Edwards Air Force Base near Palmdale told The War Zone this August that investigators were ‘monitoring’ that situation to ‘determine if there is any ill intent and, even if not, we are trying to find out why or who is doing it.’

Similar efforts are still underway on the east coast at Langley, but the commander of its Air Combat Command, General Mark Kelly, said the government is stumped. The bizarre craft above Langley — home to at least half the Air Force’s fleet of F-22 Raptor stealth fighters — led to two weeks of emergency White House meetings.

And over the past 10 months, Air Force investigators, local police and even NASA analysts operating the space agency’s high-tech WB-57F research plane have all taken a crack at trying to identify the mysterious craft — with no answers in sight. READ MORE

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