Karisa and Johnmark left yesterday. Alethea, Justin, Camdyn and Charlie pulled out a few minutes ago. We are embraced with a sad silence. I am reminded of my parents standing on their front porch looking forlorn as we drove away. I always imagined they turned, snickered, entered the house, exhaled, and broke out in song "Free at last, free at Last, thank God Almighty, we're free at last." Okay, I knew my version wasn't true but it made me feel better about abandoning my progenitors.
Now I am faced with the poignant truth that there is an emptyness when your loved ones retreat to the routine of their lives and you are now the one left standing on the front porch. Well, standing on the deck of a sea-side cottage.
Now I am faced with the poignant truth that there is an emptyness when your loved ones retreat to the routine of their lives and you are now the one left standing on the front porch. Well, standing on the deck of a sea-side cottage.