Slavery in the Bible explained, and paradox of God hater…
Slavery in the Bible explained, and paradox of God hater hypocrisy-
I’ve felt it on my heart for a while now to expound on the subject of slavery in the Bible… Where there slaves? Yes undoubtedly. Does that nullify God’s morality and justice because he “endorses” slavery? I’d say it no more nullifies the moral credibility of God then it’d nullify the moral credibility of a nation of people which didn’t oppose the nuclear advances in technology which ultimately lead to the “destroyer of worlds” as worded by J. Robert Oppenheimer via the Manhattan project which enabled the invention of the nuclear bomb.
I also clear up some confusion about Slavery, and what the Bible actually says about it and why it shouldn’t be compared to American slavery of white plantation owners and African Americans, contrary to what you’ll hear from mainstream media.
Which is more threatening to humanity, the economical use of slaves by ancient Hebrews thousands of years ago, or the threat of nuclear annihilation by the invention of man? Why is it that a God hating, liberal propaganda brainwashed culture feels the right to place themselves in the seat of God to determine what’s right from wrong (which all conveniently for them is anti theist), yet they don’t see the faults within themselves as they don’t believe in God, but spend all their time criticizing him, yet don’t oppose the forces of evil in scientists and world leaders they do believe in? I explore this subject in the video. Please watch and #share, God bless.P.s I miss-worded “1st century Mesopotamia. I meant “one of the first recorded civilizations Mesopotamia” my words were mixed in my mind.