So #Tebow is MVP of that game? Maybe. I think #Jesus is the MVP #ourCOG ourCOG January 9, 2012 1:09 am #ourCOG 0 So #Tebow is MVP of that game? Maybe. I think #Jesus is the MVP #ourCOG Facebook Comments #ourCOG tweets By ourCOG Related Posts #sorry4thewait but I found a new form of formal dress on the internet… it is part vest part cumber bun = all awesome #ourCOG #10ThingsThatAreAttractive she has a bottle of oil in her purse just incase we need to pray for someone, against their will. #ourCOG Mark 8 – Jesus feeds the people AGAIN. You’d think the disciples would have learned the lesson the first time around #ourCOG Karisa’s Graduation — Tegan Laughs #ourCOG #ourCOG