Sometimes the best thing to do is take a nap
“The best thing you could do for now is eat a couple Krispy Kreme donuts and take a nap.” _My advice to a successful, high-energy, visionary pastor who was worn out, frustration, and having no fun
I have spent virtually my entire life trying to be okay with doing nothing.
Though I still struggle, little by little–finally!–I am getting a little bit better at it.
In this action driven universe we live in, one of the most difficult disciplines to practice is what Howard Marks calls (see quote below) “patient opportunism”.
Marks is referring to finding good investments, my application is a little boarder.
Patient opportunism is never giving up the hope that things (and people) can get better but also realistically understanding it may not happen today…or the next day or even the next day. And being okay with it.
Over the years I can’t count the times I stressed myself out (and many others!) by trying to get just one more thing done or trying to make something (or someone) just a little better when everyone would have been better off if I had just let it go and went and took a nap.
Some things just can’t be forced and everyone doesn’t work on your timetable or at your pace…and then, eventually things are just done (at least for now).
The ONE THING for today: A healthy life and organization needs times of quiet, inactivity, and peace. Maybe that’s the missing link in your plans lately. Why don’t you schedule in a donut or two and a good nap.

There aren’t always great things to do, and sometimes we maximize our contribution by being discerning and relatively inactive. Patient opportunism—waiting for bargains—is often your best strategy.” — The Most Important Thing: Uncommon Sense for the Thoughtful Investor (Columbia Business School Publishing) by Howard Marks