An Open Letter about the Global Crisis of Civil Society since 2020

An Open Letter about the Global Crisis of Civil Society since 2020

An Open Letter about the Global Crisis of Civil Society since 2020 Darin Stephanov, Ph.D. (historian, Harvard) Bistra Strechkova, microbiologist (formerly with Novartis Pharmaceuticals Dear friends, colleagues, and acquaintances we have crossed paths with at some point in life: My wife Bistra and I hereby commence this long and difficult letter to you, which we consider our civic duty. We wish to ... »

Perry Stone:  100 House members to support a bill to outlaw churches and ministers to say gay lifestyle is sin

Perry Stone: 100 House members to support a bill to outlaw churches and ministers to say gay lifestyle is sin

Perry Stone Ministries (October 25, 2015) MAJOR ALERT: I have just been informed of a major plan by the extreme left, that has the... »

1 year ago Perry Stone prophesied 100 House members to support a bill to outlaw churches that say gay lifestyle is sin

What happened to this prophetic utterance 1 year later? Assembly Bill 2943 now reads: A religious ministry could not hold a conference on maintaining sexual purity if the conference encourages attendees to avoid homosexual behavior. A bookstore (even online bookstores) could not sell many recently published books challenging gender identity ideology and advocating that these beliefs should be reje... »

GA22 AGENDA: Did Church of God miss a historic opportunity AGAIN?

GA22 AGENDA: Did Church of God miss a historic opportunity AGAIN?

Church of GOD misses historic opportunity to allow women as ordained bishops to the ministry A spokesman in support of women ordained bishops in the Church of God General Assembly stated that any woman exercising the gifts of the Spirit has the necessary qualifications to be an ordained bishop in the denomination Item 8 on the Agenda has failed with a vote of 695 for and 1,061 against. #goCOG #Gen... »