Volume 2, No. 12: A Christmas Reboot
Christmas comes mercifully at a perfect time. It comes at the end of the year and that is especially helpful … »
Christmas comes mercifully at a perfect time. It comes at the end of the year and that is especially helpful … »
In this Mentoring Moment, join Jentezen Franklin and Marcus Mecum as they dive into the world of media in ministry and share insights, strategies, and success stories from leading experts in the field. Discover how to harness the power of media to share your church’s message, foster community, and strengthen your impact. Sign up to get alerts about future events at MentoringMoments.com. To h... »
It was on this day in the year 1240 that copies of the Talmud possessed by the Jews of France were confiscated by the Church and ultimately destroyed by fire. Book burning seems to have been a popular past time in Europe throughout the ages. We say that because, as we know from recent history, […] »
Tradition teaches that, on this day, many key events transpired, all of which centered around the culmination of Moses’ life and ministry. Tradition believes that on this day Moses was born in Egypt and, on this day years later, Moses died on Mt. Nebo. Before expiring, however, Moses would give his farewell benediction to the […] »