


Jordan, because of their traitorous actions, will now be under Israeli control. This fact becomes crucially important later on during the Tribulation because the surviving remnant of Israel will be forced to flee into Jordan’s hills, escaping the Antichrist. Obadiah 1:19 19 The South shall possess the mountains of Esau [Southern Jordan], and the Lowland shall possess Philistia [Gaza Strip]. They s... »

Christian Leadership Alliance Announces Summer Online Learning Modules

Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) today announced the launch of four June online learning modules in the fields of executive leadership, resource development, financial management and board governance. These interactive 10-week online modules are cre... »

Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) Partners with Church of God

Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) Partners with Church of God

96 Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) Partners with Church of God ... »

What can churches do on Christian alliance level in light of SCOTUS same-sex marriage decision

What can churches do on Christian alliance level in light of SCOTUS same-sex marriage decision

Christian Alliances Level Stay informed of all legal protests and options Learn about upcoming IRS changes and alternative exempt options Consult with legal council about your rights and obligations under the law Join with other Christians in legal measures for upholding the Biblical standard of holy living MORE OPTIONS: WHAT to DO NOW about YOUR CHURCH AND SAME SEX MARRIAGE 6 Things To Do after t... »