

“Do not be far from me, my God; COME QUICKLY, GOD, TO HELP ME. As for me, I WILL ALWAYS HAVE HOPE; I will... »

Christianity is going somewhere

Christianity is a faith that is going somewhere. There is an end to what we known as the Church Age. What is the purpose... »

So what does this group mainly consist of?

So what does this group mainly consist of? COG and AOG people or what? »

99¢ Deal

The Kindle version of The Descent to Compassion is now on sale for only 99¢. The sale runs from August the 18th until August the 25. You can follow the link and get your copy. If you want to bless someone you can gift a copy buy clicking on the “gift” option. Thanks to everyone […] Related posts:Time Off My Book Free Today Only!–It’s My Spiritual Birthday Free ... »