
The voice of Bennie S. Triplett announced “Forward in Faith”…

The voice of Bennie S. Triplett announced “Forward in Faith”…

The voice of Bennie S. Triplett announced “Forward in Faith” to begin the first Church of God national radio broadcast on Sunday, December 7, 1958. Triplett, shown here, was the program director and announcer. Music included “Onward, Christian Soldiers” (Forward in Faith Choir), “Living by Faith” (Forward in Faith Ladies Trio), “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms” (Choir), “Faith for Toda... »

Youth and Discipleship Appointments Announced

Youth and Discipleship Appointments Announced You are signed up to receive updates from the Faith News Network ... »

General Assembly Theme Announced, Registration Underway

A theme for the 74th Church of God International General Assembly was recently announced by the International Executive Committee. The July 24-27 event in Orlando, Florida, will operate under the theme of, “Living the Word: Empowered for Our Future. »

General Assembly Prayer Emphasis Announced

General Assembly Prayer Emphasis Announced ... »