
Tuesday Minutes of the 59th Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Tuesday Minutes of the 59th Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Minutes of the 59th General Assembly of the Church of God Place: Kansas City Civic Center, Kansas City, Missouri. Date: August 10-15, 1982. General Overseer: E.C.Thomas. Resolution on Voluntary Prayer in Public Schools (p.91). Resolution on Pornography (pp.91,92). Resolution on Drunken Driving (p.92). Resolution on Television Awareness (pp.92,93). Church of God Teachings (pp.6-8). [48th A.] Resolu... »

Bulgarian Chaplaincy Association Annual Meeting

Bulgarian Chaplaincy Association Annual Meeting

The third national annual meeting of the Bulgarian Chaplaincy Association was held in the capital Sofia on November 22, 2008. Founding members and delegates from the country and abroad joined together to thank God for His help with the chaplaincy work in Bulgaria, elect new government and receive the 2009 strategy. The Bulgarian Church of   Read More ... »

2nd Annual Azusa Lecture and Spirit of Azusa Award — 2007

2nd Annual Azusa Lecture and Spirit of Azusa Award — 2007


Tuesday Minutes of the 42nd Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Tuesday Minutes of the 42nd Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Minutes of the 42nd General Assembly of the Church of God Place: Municipal Auditorium, Birmingham, AL. Date: August 28-31, 1948. General Overseer: Zeno C. Tharp. I. First General Assembly. II. Declaration of Faith proposed in the form of fourteen articles (pp.31-32). Church of God Teachings (pp.186-187). [40th A.] Declaration of Faith (p.188). Modest Apparel (p.195). [35th A.] »