
Will the Antichrist be born of a virgin?

Will the Antichrist be born of a virgin?

Will the Antichrist be born of a virgin? The Antichrist is presented in scripture as a complete counterfeit of the true Christ. As the counterfeit son, he would have a supernatural origin. He will literally be Satan’s son. II Thessalonians 2:9, “Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders.” The Antichrist will be fully human, yet totally possesse... »


An Explanation The ANTICHRIST, 666, MARK OF THE BEAST, RAPTURE The book of revelation is an epistle that must be subjected to interpretation by other epistles because it involves symbols that needs to be decoded. Apostle John was imprisoned and wrote the book to persecuted churches. The figures of speeches are so because straightforward language could never escape the notice of the authorities as ... »

Russia’s Prophetic Destiny Unfolding With #Antichrist Rising Out of Syria

Russia’s Prophetic Destiny Unfolding With #Antichrist Rising Out of Rame Ricky Grimsley [11/03/2015 2:54 PM]Maybe out of the situation but its quite possible the... »

Iraq – The future headquarters of the coming antichrist

Iraq – The future headquarters of the coming antichrist

Note: The following is an excerpt from Perry's book, Unleashing the Beast, which can be ordered from the ministry. Named the butcher of Baghdad by the west, Saddam Hussein took control of Iraq in July 1979. A member of the Ba'athist party, Saddam's vi... »