
America’s Approaching Apocalypse :: By Terry James

Some will likely say, “There he goes again with his Amero-centricity.” But America has never been more front and center in the roaring of the seas and waves of humanity as it is during this late prophetic moment. I find that I can do no other than examine end-times matters within the apocalyptic milieu surrounding this profoundly […] The post America’s Approaching Apocalypse :: By Terry James appe... »

Zombie Apocalypse! :: By The Gospelist

When it comes to horror movies, zombies are the least interesting of all possible antagonists. They are just too one-dimensional. The typical zombie movie begins with some mysterious virus or chemical that kills people and then reanimates them into the... »

Apocalypse :: By Daymond Duck

The word “Revelation” (as in the book of Revelation) comes from the Greek word “apokalupsis.” It means “the uncovering, the unveiling, or the disclosing.” “Revelation” is the disclosing of Jesus Christ. It can be taken two ways: 1) as the disclosing of the person called Jesus, or 2) as the disclosing of what He intends […] The post Apocalypse :: By Daymond Duck appeared first on Rapture Ready. »

Tired of talking about the end of the world-I’m ready for the apocalypse.

Tired of talking about the end of the world-I’m ready for the apocalypse.

Our current series from Revelation is called The End of the World as We Know It, stealing the REM song title purposefully. And of course the end of the world as we know it may in fact be infinitely more interesting than the actual end of the world. An apocalypse is an unveiling, a revelation. [...] »

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