
General Assembly Agenda: Item 2 (AFFILIATION WITH CHURCH OF GOD)

General Assembly Agenda: Item 2 (AFFILIATION WITH CHURCH OF GOD)

This comment was written by Bishop Nick Park and pretty much passed in 2012, but is still worth reading through. Full text of accepted changed could be found on p. 140 of the Church of God 2012 Minutes.  In 2012 Bishop Park wrote: Here’s another motion that will be debated at the Church of God General Assembly in Orlando next week. 2. AFFILIATION WITH CHURCH OF GOD We recommend: That we amend page... »

Songbook published for the 45th General Assembly, 1954. Zeno Tharp…

Songbook published for the 45th General Assembly, 1954. Zeno Tharp was the General Overseer. »

When the delegates meet at the General Assembly there will…

When the delegates meet at the General Assembly there will be three major concerns. To honor and respect the church’s past and those who have worked and sacrificed to get it where it is. 2. To inspire and motivate those present to take up the mantle and take the church where it needs to go. 3. To rely on the Holy Spirit to direct the decision makers on how best to move into the future. One of the ... »