
Jesus throughout the Bible! A portion of Easter 2018 at…

Jesus throughout the Bible! A portion of Easter 2018 at…

Jesus throughout the Bible! A portion of Easter 2018 at CityGate! Watch the full experience at or download our app! #CityGateChurch »

If the bible is the evidence for Christianity, why is…

If the bible is the evidence for Christianity, why is the Quran not evidence for Islam? They both claim to be the words of the same God. Islam calls Jesus the messiah, born of a virgin, it says an angel spoke to Mary and said that she would have him and he would be a word from God, Jesus breathed life into clay and created a living bird (as also recorded in the ‘Infancy Gospel of Thomas̵... »

Ida Glaser: The Bible and Other Faiths

Ida Glaser, The Bible and Other Faiths: Christian Responsibility in a World of Religions, Christian Doctrine in Global Perspective, Series Editor, David Smith, Consulting Editor, John Stott (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2005), 255 pages. The ... »

Youth Pastor and Bible Teacher, St. Augustine, Fla.

Lighthouse Church of God is seeking a candidate who can serve as youth pastor at the church and a Bible teacher at Beacon of Hope Christian School. Qualifications are as […] The post Youth Pastor and Bible Teacher, St. Augustine, Fla. appeared f... »