
New Documentary About the Bible

A new documentary about the Bible may shock the world of Christian academia to its core. The upcoming release of “Tares Among the Wheat” (in September) hopes to change what most Bible scholars believe about modern textual criticism. For yea... »

Perry Stone: Hebraic/Prophetic Study Bible is Complete

Perry Stone: Hebraic/Prophetic Study Bible is Complete

The Bible Project As you may be aware, I have been stirred in my spirit to produce a Perry Stone Hebraic/Prophetic Study Bible, gleaning from 44,000 hours of Bible study, CDS, DVDS, personal notes, outlines and study manuals that I’ve produced within 34 years of ministry. Along with a team of specialists under the direction of Strang Communication (Charisma) I plan to create a very special, ... »

A case in the Bible, where a person received healing and then lost it

Do you know of a case in the Bible, where a person received healing and then lost it? Rick Wadholm Jr Daniel Rushing Pack... »

The Word of God Alone the Holy Bible alone is…

The Word of God Alone the Holy Bible alone is the only way you are truly going to get to know the Heart and knowledge of God through prayer faith and trust with the Holy Spirit. »