
God created us to serve and connect to a purpose bigger than just living for ourselves. #shorts

God created us to serve and connect to a purpose bigger than just living for ourselves. #shorts

God created us to serve and connect to a purpose bigger than just living for ourselves. #purpose #created #God »

I’m I over thinking it to ask for a bigger church because my Twitter account is getting bigger? #movingup #NEXTSTOPCLEVELANDTN #ourCOG

I'm I over thinking it to ask for a bigger church because my Twitter account is getting bigger? #movingup #NEXTSTOPCLEVELANDTN #ourCOG »

Is White Supremacy a Bigger Threat Than Radical Islam?

Thanks to social media, I get to know a lot of wonderful, intelligent people. Brendt Wayne Waters falls under that category. I had linked to the article he discusses here and he did some follow-up, and wanted to know if I’d be interested in running his thoughts on the topic. “Of course I would,” I said. […] The post Is White Supremacy a Bigger Threat Than Radical Isla... »

YES! PART 5 | My Yes is Bigger than Me

YES! PART 5 | My Yes is Bigger than Me


Chile Quake: This was big but a bigger one awaits

An 8.2-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of northern Chile Tuesday night, triggering small landslides, setting off a tsunami and killing at least five people. But geologists say an even larger quake in the region is lurking. “This magnitude 8.2 is not the large earthquake that we were expecting in this area,” said Mark Simons, a geophysicist at Caltech in Pasadena, California. ... »