
Religious Freedom Bill Heads to President’s Desk

Religious Freedom Bill Heads to President’s Desk

The U.S. House of Representatives passed and sent to the President’s desk the Frank R. Wolf International Religious Freedom Act (H.R. 1150). The bipartisan bill, authored by Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) and co-sponsored by Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA), will give the Administration and the State Department new tools, resources and training to help counter extremism […] »

Governor Nathan Deal vetoed the Georgia “Defense of Religion” bill

Governor Nathan Deal vetoed the Georgia “Defense of Religion” bill

Bowing to much pressure from the libertarian and pro-LGBT business community, Governor Nathan Deal today vetoed the Georgia “Defense of Religion” bill. Another loss for Christian in the Culture wars. Let me suggest that this pattern will not change until the Churches unite and pray for revival in this Nation. The Second Great Awakening (1799-1820) swept away Deism as a threat to American and turne... »

Mississippi religious liberty bill [House Bill 1523]

Mississippi religious liberty bill [House Bill 1523]

ONE Mississippi religious liberty bill Mississippi’s House Bill 1523 says, among other things, that public employees, businesses, and social workers cannot be punished for denying services based on the belief that marriage is strictly between a man and a woman. »

TN Senate Bill 2387 / TN House Bill 2414 for TN public schools and universities

TN Senate Bill 2387 / TN House Bill 2414 for TN public schools and universities

TN Senate Bill 2387 / TN House Bill 2414 This bill requires students in TN public schools and universities to use the restrooms and locker rooms of their birth sex. Bill is on solid legal ground under Title IX and all recent case law. It would protect a student’s right to privacy and safety. It preserves parental authority and fosters a safer environment, more conducive to learning and education. ... »