
Impending War, Climate Change, and UAPs aka UFOs :: By Jim Towers

Hezbollah just rained down several missiles on Northern Israel from Lebanon, inching the war of Gog and Magog ever closer. Whether the “Iron Dome” failed or did not function properly is neither here nor there; all these many attacks could end up provoking the Israelis to not have mercy on Palestinian citizens who could – […] The post Impending War, Climate Change, and UAPs aka UFOs :: By Jim Tower... »

Climate Change Did It to Me :: By Ron Ferguson

You know climate change is really bad. I bumped into a wall, not too heavily, but it was climate change that was responsible. It caused the air to be more active as it got warmer, and it helped push me into the wall. I suppose the readers here are looking at this skeptically, especially those […] The post Climate Change Did It to Me :: By Ron Ferguson appeared first on Rapture Ready. »

Navigating Change Conference Begins Tomorrow

Navigating Change Conference Begins Tomorrow ... »

Drastic Change In US Policy Moves Prophecy Clock :: By Bill Wilson

President Joe Biden’s siding with Islamic terrorists by demanding an immediate ceasefire by Israel at the threat of withholding American support is a drastic sea change in US Middle East policy that moves the end-time prophecy clock ahead. The Biden threat gives the Hamas terrorist organization and its allies supported by Iran an upper hand […] The post Drastic Change In US Policy Moves Prophecy C... »