


10 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ANTI-CHRIST There are more than ten… these are the most obvious. 1) He Claims to be God and is Worshiped “Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he s... »

“7 Characteristics of God’s People” Pastor D. R. Shortridge Sunday Morning Service 2/20/22

“7 Characteristics of God’s People” Pastor D. R. Shortridge Sunday Morning Service 2/20/22

“7 Characteristics of God’s People” Pastor D. R. Shortridge Sunday Morning Service 2/20/22 Streaming every: Sunday Morning @ 11:00AM Sunday Evening @ 6:30PM Wednesday Evening @ 7:00PM »

11 Characteristics of Church Leaders I’d Like to Imitate

No matter how old I get, I have much room to grow as a leader. In fact, I watch other leaders who inspire and challenge me to lead better. Here are some leadership characteristics I’ve seen in these folks (who are, most often, local church pastors):  1. They strive to imitate Jesus. That’s the bottom... The post 11 Characteristics of Church Leaders I’d Like to Imitate appeared first on Church Answ... »

How to Detect a Pedophile: Characteristics, Mannerisms and Personality

How to Detect a Pedophile: Characteristics, Mannerisms and Personality

Pedophilia is a medically diagnosable disorder typically “defined as a psychiatric disorder in adults or late adolescents (persons age 16 and older) characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children (generally age 13 years or younger, though onset of puberty may vary)”(Wikipedia). It is a disorder that does not discriminate by race, class or age. The Department of Ju... »