
The Role Of The Charismatic Renewal Movement In Reigniting The Flame Of Spirituality In Contemporary Christians

PNEUMA 38 (2016) 77–92 The Role of the Charismatic Renewal Movement in Reigniting the Flame of Spirituality in Contemporary Christians Reginald Alva Nanzan University,... »

Pentecostalism vs The Charismatic Movement

Pentecostalism vs The Charismatic Movement

WHAT is the ASSEMBLIES of GOD position on SANCTIFICATION today? Do we still teach it in our schools and churches anymore? The Assemblies of... »

Charismatic Kenneth Copeland and Anglican Tony Palmer

Charismatic Kenneth Copeland and Anglican Tony Palmer


9 Bad Charismatic Habits We Need to Break

Anybody who has read this column before knows I’m unapologetically charismatic in my theology. I love the Holy Spirit, and I believe the New Testament calls us to make room for manifestations of the Spirit. The apostle Paul gave guidelines for the gift of prophecy; he saw dramatic healings; he experienced supernatural visions; and he told church leaders not to forbid speaking in tongues (see 1 Cor... »