
What will happen to babies and children in the rapture?

What will happen to babies and children in the rapture?

What will happen to babies and young children at the rapture? Will children be raptured? There are three clear biblical passages that speak of the rapture of the church in which believers will be taken directly to heaven to be with Jesus (John 14:1-3; 1 Corinthians 15:51-58; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). None of these passages states what will happen to babies and young children at the rapture. What d... »

ALL children taken in the RAPTURE?

ALL children taken in the RAPTURE?

There is a popular theory among Pentecostals and others that at the rapture, all the children of the world will be taken away with... »

Will babies and young children be taken in the Rapture?

Will babies and young children be taken in the Rapture? »

Children Deserve Better

Children Deserve Better

Earlier this month, a riot and fire happened at Hogar Seguro, a large government-run orphanage in Guatemala City, because children and teenagers living in the facility protested the documented abuse and notoriously inhumane living conditions. Dozens of teenage girls died … Continue reading → »