
A Necessary Move for Christians in America

There does not exist a reliable political party that purely represents the overall Christian agenda in America. We can neither ignore the overwhelming contrast to our Godly principles of the marriage equality and abortion rights agendas, which the Demo... »

7 ways Christians should behave online

1. No soapbox. We are told to “do everything without arguing or complaining” (Phil. 2:14). That doesn’t mean we can’t support causes we believe in, but they should be moral and biblical issues, not personal agendas. 2. No public bashing. Unless you’ve practiced Matthew 18 principles, and even then it would be rare, don’t address your problems with others online. It’s not helpful and never promotes... »

Say a prayer for Christians in the Middle East

Say a prayer for Christians in the Middle East

I have for some time now been deeply troubled by the growing difficulties faced by Christian communities in various parts of the Middle East. It seems to me that we cannot ignore the fact that they are, increasingly, being deliberately targeted by fundamentalist Islamist militants. Christianity was, literally, born in that part of the world and we must not forget our Middle Eastern brothers and si... »

When Will Christians Learn This One Simple Fact?

When Will Christians Learn This One Simple Fact?

It happened again, and it will probably happen yet again somewhere down the road. An older minister with a radio program spent time calculating dates and came to the conclusion that the Rapture and the end of the world would occur on May 21, 2011. An... »