
Repost: The Exodus of the Youth from Church: In Search of Answers to a Dark Dilemma

by Kathryn N. Donev I recently sat in a lecture “Why Are Youth Leaving the Church?” I listened to the most recent statistics, compared one opinion to the next, looked at the latest church involvement research and even explored some emerging themes of why people in general leave the faith. All the information was very […] »

Are We Putting the Bible in Its Place?

The church might be suffering from infoenza. The Bible, which chronicles God’s relationship with mankind, can easily become a substitute for relationship with God. Let’s be honest. The Bible is a real and tangible thing, where sometimes God is not. It’s not hard to understand why we would elevate biblical knowledge above any other spiritual indicator. […] »

The Golden Rule: It’s the Law (and the Prophets)

“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”—Jesus of Nazareth There are not many things I find more beautiful and difficult than the Sermon on the Mount. If any of us can read these words and not be shaken to […] »

5 Things to Remember on Your Very Worst Day

The Holmes and Rahe stress scale lists the most stressful life situations in order of “life-change units.” These life-change units affect the chance that various events will negatively impact your health. At the top of the list with 100 units is “death of a spouse.” Here’s where it gets tricky. You might think that, if you’ve already […] »