
Lee University Chapel – April 17, 2014


Never Once

I knew God had a purpose for me.  I heard the call from God in 2005.  I dedicated my life into His hands not knowing the "when, how, or where”, but the "who, what and why” was crystal clear. Who? It was for me.What? Dedicate your life for full-time ministry.Why? God said, “I need someone to go and tell them about Jesus.”I said, "Here I Am!"Since then, God has... »

Wednesday Night

Stream test… Palmetto Pointe Church of God3690 Palmetto Pointe BlvdMyrtle Beach, SC 29588http://www.palmettopointechurch.com Palmetto Pointe Church, Myrtle Beach, Church of God, http://www.palmettopointechurch.com, Pointe Band, Worship Videos, Christian Videos, Contemporary »

U Turn 4
