
Don’t Let Delays Defeat You

A breakthrough is waiting for those who persevere. If you have stopped praying, receive fresh grace to pray again. George Mueller, the great 19th-century British evangelist, prayed in more than $7 million during his lifetime to feed the thousands of or... »

Ministering in Unique Places

UGANDA — Pastor Emmanuel and I were recently on our way back to Uganda. While driving along, I saw a large mosque where Muslims were worshiping. I asked if we could stop to take some pictures. We got out of the car and started up the steps. At th... »

The Coming Storm

“I have a funny feeling,” he says.Suddenly, a darkness rolls in with the clouds.An ominous thunder begins sounding in the distance,Like the war-beat of a revolutionary drummerLeading thousands of young menMindlesslyInto a battle they won’t be able to win.I shudder.What hope do I have to findShelter from the coming storm?This poem © Kevin Walker. Published July 2012.  »

Free Chapel Accredited by National Financial Accountability Organization

GAINESVILLE, Ga.– ECFA announced today the accreditation of Free Chapel, a Gainesville, Ga.-based evangelical church with wide-ranging national and global impact via television broadcasts and missions outreach. Free Chapel met each of ECFA member... »